From Left to Right: Jennifer Mize-Claunch, Ken Newbery, Cyndi Fazzio, Doug McCorkle
Getting pre-qualified is no simple process but Scotia Living is here to help in any way possible. We will make it our goal to get you into the home of your dreams as fast as possible. In order to do so Scotia Living has pre-approved a lender for you to make the headache of getting pre-qualified a lot easier. Before our Preview Opening Event on August 6th, Mason-McDuffie is there to fill all your pre-qualification and lending needs. While you are certainly not required to use our pre-approved lender, Scotia Living has formed a partnership with Mason-McDuffie to ensure that customers fit the unique situation that exists in Scotia and to help you every step of the way.
Contact Doug McCorkle at the Scotia Living Sales Office for more information regarding what you can do to buy a home in Scotia.
T: 707.764.4283 E:
Contact Jennifer Mize, a Scotia Living preferred lender, to get pre-qualified and set up an appointment to go over all your options.
T: 925.899.9458 E:
Check back for more information about our upcoming Preview Opening Event and remember to like us on Facebook!